Make Magazine filled a void in the hacker world — and exploded into a multi-generational global movement.
In an era of disposable tech, co-founder Dale Dougherty felt we’d lost a certain optimism and self-confidence in our crafting abilities, leaving us sentimental for the days of fix-it-yourself periodicals like Mechanix Illustrated, Practical Householder, and Popular Electronics.
We built Make Magazine to be the modern shop manual for technology hackers. It was important that the publication’s projects were well-packaged, and clearly laid out: not just for techies, but available to kids and tinkerers of all stripes. Shortly after its launch in January 2005, the Make brand took off, spawning a multi-day event called Maker Faire, “The Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth.”
In 2014, a record 215,000 people attended the two flagship Maker Faires in the Bay Area and New York. There are currently over 120 Maker Faire events held across the globe, including Tokyo, Rome, Detroit, Oslo and Shenzhen.